IGEH/INRO is a collaborative non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Vienna, Austria, with it activities internationally directed. Our mission is to improve the recovery of patients who suffer a brain or spinal cord injury through helping hospitals implement evidence-based medical care, assisting in the reengineering of their trauma systems to better treat neurotrauma patients and collaborating on clinical research to  continuously improve the scientific foundations of evidence-based guidelines and protocols.

Research has shown that when evidence-based medicine is practiced in the critical, acute phase, neurotrauma patients have improved outcomes resulting in reduced hospital care costs and substantially reduced long term care costs.
Implementing evidence-based medical protocols is often  complex and challenging, and this is why external  assistance is frequently helpful in reorganizing trauma systems to be responsive to such protocols. Rigorous and high quality clinical research is essential in “closing-the-loop” to continuously improve the recommendations in evidence-based guidelines and protocols.